West Virginia University women will have the opportunity to “pepper spray” University Police officers.

In recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, WVU Women Against Rape is holding MACE, which stands for Mace A Criminal Expertly at the Mountainlair from 11 a.m. -3 p.m. on Wednesday, April 14.

Many women may have pepper spray for defensive purposes, but do not know how to use it effectively against an attacker.

Students will be shown the proper usage of pepper spray and given the opportunity to practice spraying police officers with a deactivated spray, sign up for WAR’s newsletter and obtain information about sexual assault and the PROTECT self-defense class.

WAR is a brand new organization at WVU promoting sexual assault awareness and free self-defense classes offered by the University Police Department.

To learn more, please contact wvuwar@gmail.com or visit the Facebook group by searching for “WVU Women Against Rape.”



CONTACT: Samantha Cossick, Women Against Rape
724-710-0189, wvuwar@gmail.com