Daniel E. Della-Giustina, professor of safety management in the College of Engineering and Mineral Resources’Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, has been appointed to the Board of Hazard Control Management, a national certification board for hazard control managers.

Della-Giustina earned his doctorate degree from Michigan State University and his masters degree from American International College, where he serves as a member of the board of trustees. He also is the editor of The Safety Forum, published by the School and Community Safety Society. He also has been a member of numerous committees with the American Society for Testing and Materials and the Committee on Fire Brigades.

Della-Giustina was inducted into the Safety and Health Hall of Fame in 2002 and was elected afellowin The American Society of Safety Engineers. As an outstanding leader in the safety profession, he has made many contributions to the field of hazard control management as a researcher, author, teacher and administrator.